1.0 Lever 2
Campus leadership retains effective, well-supported teachers by strategically recruiting, selecting, assigning, and building the capacity of teachers so that all students have access to high-quality educators.
District Commitments:
District commitments describe what local education agencies do to ensure that schools are set up for success.
The district provides the campus with sufficient control over teacher hiring and placement.
The district provides incentives for the strongest teachers to work in the lowest-performing schools.
The district effectively recruits adequate numbers of qualified candidates.
The district has timely, efficient, and responsive hiring processes.
The district makes it possible for high-needs schools to be fully staffed by July 1st.
The district provides efficient organizational structures, processes, and supports to ensure opportunities for induction and continued development.
The district provides an evaluation system that identifies low and high performers and allows for opportunities to remove low performing staff.
District policies and practices ensure that campuses have effective, well-supported teachers.
Essential Actions
Essential Actions describe what the most effective schools do to support powerful teaching and learning. The first essential action listed under the priority is foundational — schools should address first in continuous improvement efforts, as they provide the foundation upon which the other essential actions develop.
Recruit, select, assign, induct, and retain a full staff of highly qualified educators
The campus implements ongoing and proactive recruitment strategies that include many sources for high-quality candidates.
Clear selection criteria, protocols, hiring and induction processes are in place and align with the school’s vision, mission, values, and goals.
Campus leaders implement targeted and personalized strategies to support and retain staff, particularly high-performing staff.
Teacher placements are strategic based on student need and teacher strengths.
Grade-level and content-area teams have strong, supported teacher leaders trained in adult learning facilitation and team dynamics.
Preferred substitutes are recruited and retained.
Build teacher capacity through observation and feedback cycles
- Campus instructional leaders use normed tools and processes to conduct observations, capture trends, and track progress over time.
- Observation debrief conversations occur within 48 hours of observation and include high-leverage, bite-sized, clear, actionable feedback with clear models and opportunities to practice.
- Campus instructional leaders conduct follow up observations after coaching sessions to monitor implementation of feedback within agreed-upon time frames.
- Campus instructional leaders determine the frequency of observations based on teacher needs and student results on formative assessments.