1.0 ESF Diagnostic Process

What is the ESF Diagnostic Process?

The ESF diagnostic process is a collaborative approach for all districts and campuses who want to fine-tune their plans for continuous improvement.

Through evidence collection, focus group interviews, and campus observations, an ESF facilitator from your local education service center works side-by-side with the campus principal and the principal’s supervisor to determine 2-3 high-leverage focus areas for campus improvement.

96% of campuses who went through the ESF Diagnostic Process last year said their focus areas for improvement will guide their work in the upcoming school year and 92% said the diagnostic process was a productive use of their time.

Identification and Training

August – September

ESF Survey

October -November


2 months before Diagnostic Visit

Pre-visit Conversation

2 weeks before Diagnostic Visit

ESF Diagnostic Visit

January – April

Post-visit Conversation

1 week after Diagnostic Visit

Find a Capacity Builder

Prior to Cycle 4 of TIP

Features of an ESF Diagnostic

Our ESF facilitators will give you an unbiased examination of campus practices and provide areas to focus on for the maximum impact on student learning.

We provide feedback on six Essential Actions that are necessary to ensure a high-quality education for all students:

Additionally, our ESF facilitators will also support the campus leaders in making sure the processes are systemic and practiced campus-wide. This is important so that no matter who holds the title of principal, the campus continues on a path of excellence.

Developing campus instructional leaders (principal, assistant principal, teacher leaders, and counselors) with clear roles and responsibilities.

Recruiting, selecting, assigning, inducting, and retaining a full staff of highly qualified educators.

A compelling and aligned vision, mission, goals, and values that are focused on a safe environment and high expectations.

Curriculum and assessments aligned to the TEKS with a year-long scope and sequence.

Objective-driven daily lesson plans with formative assessments.

Data-driven instruction.

Benefits of an ESF Diagnostic

Receive a plan that identifies a clear focus and action steps to maximize your improvement efforts

Confidence knowing your investment of time and resources will lead to measurable results

Own the improvement process and customize solutions to your individual campus needs

Alignment with TEA’s definition of best practices and a roadmap that leads to improved Accountability ratings

Connections to capacity builders who can help implement changes for gaps found in your ESF Diagnostic

To get started, contact us to see how the ESF diagnostic process can transform your campus!