A clear vision for what districts and schools across the state do to ensure an excellent education for all Texas students.

The Effective Schools Framework
At the core of effective schools is effective instruction: interactions between students, teachers, and content determine learning outcomes. This instructional core is strengthened and supported by effective, well-supported teachers, high-quality curriculum, and positive school culture. Strong school leadership and careful planning encompass and ensure each of these levers.
The Effective Schools Framework consists of a set of district commitments and, for schools, essential actions. District Commitments describe what local education agencies do to ensure that schools are set up for success. The Essential Actions describe what the most effective schools do to support powerful teaching and learning.
The Purpose of the Effective Schools Framework

Common Language
- describes the statewide vision for the best practices effective schools and districts engage in daily
- was developed in conjunction with school and district leaders and included a national review of research about what makes high-performing schools excellent

Continuous Improvement
- supports school and district continuous improvement through an aligned diagnostic process

- provides the foundation for the alignment of statewide resources and supports to the needs of Texas districts and schools
ESF Facilitators
The Effective Schools Framework Facilitator (ESFF) supports district and campus continuous improvement through the facilitation of the the ESF diagnostic process that results in the identification of prioritized practices the campus can focus on to support continuous improvement.
The ESF Facilitator collaborates with the campus principal and district leaders to lead a campus diagnostic process that results in the identification of prioritized practices the campus should focus on for improvement. The ESFF is responsible for executing high-quality, well-structured diagnostic activities, supporting campuses with a root cause and barrier analysis and identification of improvement strategies, and connecting districts with ESF aligned resources and partners.