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All students have access to a TEKS-aligned, guaranteed and viable curriculum, assessments, and resources to engage in learning at appropriate levels of rigor.
District Commitments:
District commitments describe what local education agencies do to ensure that schools are set up for success.
The district provides the campus with a standards-aligned guaranteed and viable curriculum (GVC) and scope and sequence.
The district provide access to assessments aligned to the standards and the expected level of rigor.
The district’s annual academic calendar includes days for school-based professional development activities that align with the assessment calendar and allow for data-driven reflection.
The district provides a data assessment platform to capture assessment data by item and student level.
District policies support the effective use of standards-aligned GVC and assessments.
Essential Action
Essential Actions describe what the most effective schools do to support powerful teaching and learning. The first essential action listed under the priority is foundational — schools should address first in continuous improvement efforts, as they provide the foundation upon which the other essential actions develop.
Curriculum and assessments aligned to TEKS with a year-long scope and sequence
The scope and sequence, units, and assessments are aligned to the standards for all tested subject and grade areas, and grades PK-2nd mathematics and reading.
Assessments aligned to state standards and the appropriate level of rigor are administered at least three to four times per year to determine if students learned what was taught. Time for corrective instruction is built into the scope and sequence.
Instructional materials with key ideas, essential questions, and recommended materials, including content-rich texts, are used across classrooms. The instructional materials include resources intentionally designed to meet the needs of students with disabilities and English learners among other student groups.
High fidelity professional development calendars for teachers are implemented which provide introductory and ongoing content-focused, job-embedded training linked to high-quality curriculum for early childhood through grade 12, in all core subjects.